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The SK-CN Seminar on “Key Technologies on 3D High-Quality Reconstruction of Smart City”
发布时间:2019-10-08   浏览次数:
报告人 职称

Seminar Manual

Host: China University of Mining and Technology

Venue: CUMT Press Building 210, Xuzhou, China

09th -10th October 2019


General Information


  1. Seminar Topic: The SK-CN Seminar on “Key Technologies on 3D High-Quality Reconstruction of Smart City”

  2. Venue: CUMT Press Building 210

  3. Seminar Time: 14:00 – 17:00, 09th Oct. 2019, 09:00-17:00, 10th Oct.

  4. Dining Hall: Xuzhou Zhonghui International Conference Hotel

    Dining Time: 12:30 – 14:00 (Buffet lunch)

    17:30 – 19:00 (Dinner)

  5. Please keep your cell phone in silent mode during the seminar.

    Please do not smoke in public areas such as the dining hall and meeting room.

  6. Please contact us if you need any help:

    Dr. Qiuzhao Zhang +86 13775989554, qiuzhao.zhang@cumt.edu.cn (China University of Mining and Technology)

    Mr Ke Yu +86 18392582835

The SK-CN Seminar (9th Oct. PM)




14:00   - 14:10

Chaired   by Prof. Zhengfu Bian

Prof.   Zhengfu Bian

14:10   - 14:25

Introduce   of CUMT and School of Environment Science and Spatial Informatics

Prof.   Nanshan Zheng

14:25   - 15:10

Recent   research activities of the UPJŠ team

Prof.   Jaroslav Hofierka

15:10   - 15:30

Introduce   of CN Project progress

Prof.   Zhengfu Bian

15:30   - 15:50

Tea   and coffee break

15:30   - 16:00

Current   datasets generated for 3D city modelling in Košice

Dr.   Michal Gallay

16:00   - 16:20

Extended   ADOP and Its application in GNSS Precise Positioning and Satellites Selection

Dr. Qiuzhao Zhang

16:20   - 16:40

Closed-form   Solution to Pairwise Registration of LiDAR Point Clouds

Dr.   Yongbo Wang

16:40   - 17:00

Outstanding   and next stage discussion for the SK-CN project




The SK-CN Seminar (10th Oct. AM)




09:00   - 09:30

Modelling   lands surface temperature with 3D city models and auxiliary remote sensing   data

Ms.   Katarina Onacillova

09:30   - 09:50

Low   Altitude Photogrammetric Spatial Data Acquisition and its 3D Display Platform

Prof   Huachao Yang

09:50   - 10:10

Key   techniques of real-time collaborative 3DGIS visualization

Dr.   Yaqin Sun

10:10- 10:30

Key   Technologies for 3D Digital City Reconstruction Using Oblique Images

Mr.   Yu Tian

10:30 - 10:50

Tea   and coffee break


Outstanding   and next stage discussion for the SK-CN project



Technology   Discussion
