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发布时间:2020-06-28   浏览次数:






Email: suqin_wu@cumt.edu.cn





2009.05 – 现在








Capital Market Solutions,澳大利亚



Misys Securites Trading Systems Pty Limited, 澳大利亚



Bedford Interactive Software Group, Western Atlas International Inc. 英国

















期刊论文(IF–影响因子, SCI–科学引文索引, ERA=澳大利亚杰出研究的期刊排名, JCR Quartile Ranking = Thomson Reuters 杂志分区)

[1]Hu A.,Carter   B.,Currie J.,Norman R.,Wu S. and Zhang K. (2020) A Deep   Neural Network Model of Global Topside Electron Temperature Modeling Using   Incoherent Scatter Radars and Its Application to GPS Radio Occultation,   Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JA027263   [SCI, IF=4.456, Q1].

[2]He Q.,Zhang   K., Wu S., Zhao Q.,Wang X.,Shen Z., Wan M.,Li L. and Liu X. (2019) Real-Time   GNSS-derived PWV for Typhoon Characterizations: A Case Study for Super   Typhoon Mangkhut in Hong Kong. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12, 104. doi:   10.3390/rs12010104 [SCI, IF 4.740, Q1].

[3]He C.,Yang   Y.,Carter B., Zhang K., Hu A., Li W., Norman R. and Wu S. (2019) Impact of   thermospheric mass density on the orbit prediction of LEO satellites, Space   Weather, DOI:10.1029/2019SW002336, [SCI, IF = 3.9, Q2].

[4]Hu, A.,   Carter, B. A., Currie, J. L., Norman, R., Wu, S., Wang, X., and Zhang, K.   (2019). Modeling of topside ionospheric vertical scale height based on   ionospheric radio occultation measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research:   Space Physics, 124, 4926–4942. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JA026280 [SCI, IF=4.456, Q1].

[5]Hu A., Li Z.,   Carter B., Wu S., Wang X., Norman R. and Zhang K (2019) Helmert-VCE aided   Fast-WTLS Approach for Global Ionospheric VTEC Modelling Using Data from   GNSS, Satellite Altimetry and Radio Occultation, Journal of Geodesy, Vol 93,   Issue 6, pp 877–888, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-018-1210-7 [SCI, IF =   4.633, Q1]

[6]Wang Q.,   Zhang K.,Wu S., Zou Y. and Hu C. (2019) A method for identification   of optimal minimum number of multi-GNSS tracking stations for ultra-rapid   orbit and ERP determination, Advances in Space Research, Vol 63,   Iss 9, Pp 2877-2888 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2017.12.006 [SCI, 5yr IF =   1.46, Q2].

[7]Hu, A. Wu, S.   Wang, X. Wang, Y. Norman, R. He, C. Cai, H. and Zhang, K. 2018, Improvement   of reflection detection success rate of GNSS RO measurements using artificial   neural network, in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE,   United States, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 760-769 [SCI, IF= 4.662, Q1].

[8]He C.Y., Yang   Y., Carter B., Kerr E., Wu S., Deleiec F, Cai H, Zhang K., Sagnières L. and   Norman R. (2018) Review and comparison of thermospheric mass density models,   Progress in Aerospace Sciences,   https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paerosci.2018.10.003, [SCI, 5yr IF = 6.054, Q1].

[9]Cai H., Yang   Y., Gehly S., Wu S., Zhang K. (2018) Improved tracklet association for space   objects using short-arc optical measurements, Acta Astronautica, 151:836-847   [SCI, IF=2.227, Q1].

[10]Wang X.,   Zhang K., Wu S., Li Z., Cheng Y., Li L. and Yuan H. (2018) The correlation   between GNSS-derived precipitable water vapor and sea surface temperature and   its responses to El Niño–Southern Oscillation, Remote Sensing of Environment,   Vol 216, Pages 1–12 [SCI, 5yrs IF=7.737, Q1].

[11]Ding N.,   Zhang S., Wu S., Wang X., Kealy A., Zhang K. (2018) A new approach for GNSS   tomography from a few GNSS stations, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 11,   3511-3522, [SCI, 5yr IF = 3.650, Q1].

[12]Li W., Yue   J., Wu S., Yang Y., Li Z., Bi J. and Zhang K. (2018) Ionospheric responses to   typhoons in Australia during 2005-2014 using GNSS and FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC   measurements, GPS Solutions, 22: 61. Pp.1-11 [SCI, IF = 4.061, Q1]

[13]Ding N.,   Zhang SB, Wu SQ, Wang XM, Zhang K. (2018) Adaptive node parameterization for   dynamic determination of boundaries and nodes of GNSS tomographic models, J.   Geophys. Res, Atmospheres, 123, 1990–2003. [SCI, IF=3.380, Q1]

[14]Li L, Wu S,   Wang X, Tian Y, He C, and Zhang K (2018) Modelling of weighted-mean   temperature using regional radiosonde observations in Hunan China, Terr.   Atmos. Ocean. Sci.,Vol.29, No.2, 187-199 [QSCI, IF=0.752, Q2].

[15]Hu Andong,Suqin   Wu, Xiaoming Wang, Yan Wang, Robert Norman, Changyong He, Han Cai, Kefei   Zhang (2017) Improvement of reflection detection success rate of GNSS RO   measurements using artificial neural network, IEEE TGARS, 56(2): 760-769.   [SCI, IF=4.662, Q1]

[16]Wang, X.,   Zhang, K., Wu, S., He, C., Cheng, Y., and Li, X. (2017) Determination of   zenith hydrostatic delay and its impact on GNSS-derived integrated water   vapor, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10, 2807-2820,   https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-10-2807-2017, [SCI, 5yr IF = 3.650, Q1].

[17]Changyong HE,   Suqin Wu, Xiaoming Wang, Andong Hu, and Kefei Zhang (2017) A new voxel-based   model for the determination of atmospheric-weighted-mean temperature in GPS   atmospheric sounding, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 10(6):2045-2060   [SCI, 5yr IF = 3.650, Q1].

[18]Li Li, Suqin Wu, Xiaoming Wang, Ying Tian, Changyong He, and Kefei Zhang  (2017) Seasonal Multifactor Modelling of Weighted-Mean Temperature for Ground-Based GNSS Meteorology in Hunan, China, Advances in Meteorology, vol. 2017, Article ID 3782687, 13 pages,. doi:10.1155/2017/3782687 [SCI, IF=1.15, Q3].

[19]HE C.,Yang Y., Carter B., Cai H., Wu S. Zhang K. (2017) Nonlinear Uncertainty Propagation of Orbital Mechanics Subject to StochasticError in Atmospheric Mass Density Models Trans. JSASS Aerospace Tech. JapanVol. 14, No. ists31, pp.Pd1-Pd8.

[20]Han Cai, Yang Yang, Steve Gehly, Suqin Wu, Kefei Zhang 2017 Improved tracklet association for space debris using short-arc optical measurements. In Proceedings of the 2017 International Astronautical Congress (IAC Conference).

[21]HE C, YangY, Carter B, Cai H, Wu S, and Zhang K (2017). Nonlinear Uncertainty Propagation of Orbital Mechanics Subject to Stochastic Error in Atmospheric Mass Density Models.31stISTS, 26thISSFD & 8thNSAT, Matsuyama, Ehime, June, 2017.

[22]Han Cai, Yang Yang, Suqin Wu, Andoh Afful, Kefei Zhang 2016 A space-based stereovision system for relative state estimation of space debris. In AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, p. 5515.

[23]Wang Xiaoming, Cheng Y., Wu S. and Zhang K. (2016), An effective toolkit for the interpolation and gross error detection of GPS time series, Survey Review, Taylor and Francis, United Kingdom, vol. 48, no. 348, pp. 202-211. [SCI, IF =1.163, Q3]

[24]Xiaoming Wang, Yingyan Cheng, Suqin Wu, Kefei Zhang (2016) An enhanced singular spectrum analysis method for constructing nonsecular model of GPS site movement, J. Geophys. Res, Vol 121, Issue 3, Pp. 2193–2211. [SCI, IF=3.426, Q1].

[25]Wang, X., K. Zhang, S. Wu, S. Fan, andY. Cheng (2016), Water vapor-weightedmean temperature and its impact onthe determination of precipitable watervapor and its linear trend, J. Geophys. Res.Atmos.,121, 833–852, [SCI, IF=3.44, Q1]

[26]Fan S., Zang J., Peng X., Wu S., Liu Y, and Zhang K. (2016) Validation of Atmospheric Water Vapor Derived from Ship-Borne GPS Measurements in the Chinese Bohai Sea, J. of Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (TAO), Vol. 27, No. 2, 213−220, [SCI, IF=0.94, Q3].

[27]Diego Alejandro Piñon; Kefei Zhang, Suqin Wu, Sergio Rubén Cimbaro (2016) A New Argentinean Gravimetric Geoid Model: GEOIDEAR, International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Volume 46, pp1-10, ISSN 0939-9585, Springer.

[28]Zhang K., Manning T., Wu S., Rohm W., Silcock S. and Choy S. (2015) Capturing the Signature of Severe Weather Events in Australia Using GPS Measurements, IEEE JSTARS, Vol.8, No.4, 1839-1847 [SCI, IF=3.026, Q1].

[29]Wang X., Cheng Y., Wu S. and Zhang K. (2015) An Effective Toolkit for the Interpolation and Gross Error Detection of GPS Time Series, Survey Review, 48:348, 202-211, [SCI, IF=1.1.5, Q1]

[30]Liu C., Kirchengast G., Zhang K., Norman R., Li Y., Zhang S., Fritzer J., Schwaerz M., Wu S., Tan Z. (2015) Quantifying residual ionospheric errors in GNSS radio occultation bending angles based on ensembles of profiles from end-to-end simulations, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8,2999-3019 (Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss., 8, 759-809), SCI, 5yr IF = 3.650, Q1].

[31]Bai Y., Wu S., Retscher G., Kealy A., Holden L., Tokmo M., Borriak A., Hu B., Sanderson M., Wu H., Zhang K. (2014) A New Method for Improving Wi-Fi and Smartphone Based Indoor Positioning Accuracy, Journal of Location-Based Services, Vol.8, Issue 3, pp135-147.

[32]Peng D., Zhang K., Sang J., Wu S. and Wu B. (2014) Space-borne Pseudo-range Reconstruction and its Performance Analysis in Dynamic Orbit Determination, Journal of Spatial Science, pp.1-13 [SCI, IF= 0.63, Q3].

[33]Peng D., Zhang K., Sang J., Wu S. and Wu B. (2014) Performance Assessment ofthe Earth’s Gravity Field Models in Precise Orbit Determination of LEO Satellites, J. of GPS, vol.12, No.2.

[34]Li Y., Kirchengast G., Scherllin-Pirscher B., Wu S., Schwaerz M., Fritzer J., Zhang S. Carter B., and Zhang K. (2014) A new dynamic approach for statistical optimization of GNSS radio occultation bending angles for optimal climate monitoring utility, Journal Geophysical Research J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, issue 23, pp. 13,022–13,040, [SCI, IF= 3.021, Q1].

[35]Zhang K., Wang CS, Bennett J., Carter B., Norman R. and Wu S. (2014) The Australian Space Research Program Project − Platform Technologies for Space Atmosphere and Climate: Progress and Preliminary Results, IAG Symp. 139 (CPCI-S indexed) “Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet”, pp.19-25, Springer-Verlag.

[36]Suqin Wu, Toby Manning, Yubin Yuan, Xiaoming Wang, Allison Kealy, John le Marshall and Kefei Zhang (2014) Strengthening Severe Weather Prediction Using the Advanced Victorian Regional GPS Network − a Recent NDRGS Project, Geospatial Science Research 3, School of Mathematical and Geospatial Science, RMIT University, Dec 2014, 7p.

[37]Kefei Zhang, James Bennett, Craig Smith, Ben Greene, Jizhang Sang, Brett Carter, Robert Norman, Yang Zhao, Suqin Wu (2014) Space Situational Awareness – Protecting Assets in Space from Orbital Debris (a RMIT University perspective on the Space Environment Management CRC), Geospatial Science Research 3, RMIT University, Dec 2014, 8p.

[38]Bai, Y. Williams, M. Wu, S. Kealy, A. and Zhang, K. (2014), An accuracy enhancement algorithm for fingerprinting method, in Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA 2014), V.S. Subrahmanian, Shu-Heng Chen, Huan Liu, Guandong Xu, Wolfgang Nejdl, Frank Jiang (ed.), IEEE, United States, pp. 1-5 (DSAA 2014)

[39]Bai, Y. Wu, S. Ren, Y. Ong, K. Retscher, G. Kealy, A. Tomko, M. Sanderson, M. Wu, H. and Zhang, K. (2014), A new approach for indoor customer tracking based on a single wi-fi connection', in Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN 2014), Seung-Hoon Hwang, Kyle O'Keefe, Sangjoon Park (ed.), IEEE, United States, pp. 1-7 (IPIN 2014).

[40]Zhang S., Choy S., Zhang k. and Wu S. (2013) Performance Evaluation of the Japanese Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) LEX Signal in Australia, iGNSS Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 11p.

[41]Congliang Liu; G. Kirchengast; K. F. Zhang; R. Norman; Y. Li; S. C. Zhang; B. Carter; J. Fritzer; M. Schwaerz; S. L. Choy; S. Q. Wu; Z. X. Tan (2013) Characterisation of residual ionospheric errors using GNSS RO end-to-end simulations, Advances in Space Research, Vol. 52, Issue 5, pp 821−836 [SCI, 5yr IF=0.957, Q2].

[42]Zhang K., Wang CS, Bennett J., Carter B., Norman R. and Wu S. (2012) The Australian Space Research Program Project − Platform Technologies for Space Atmosphere and Climate: Progress and Preliminary Results, IAG Symp. 139 (CPCI-S indexed), Springer-Verlag.

[43]Zhang K., Wu S., Sang J., Norman R., Carter B. and Bennett J.(2012) Platform Technologies for Space Atmosphere and Climate – A Benchmark Geospatial Project from the Australian Space Research Program, The 2nd Geospatial Science Research (GSR-2) Conference, RMIT University, Dec. 10−12, RMIT, 9p.

[44]Yuan Y., Rohm W., Wu S., Zhang K. and Choy S. (2012) Advanced Weather Prediction and Severe Weather Monitoring Using National GNSS CORS Infrastructure – Preliminary Results, 2nd Geospatial Science Research (GSR-2) Conference, RMIT University, Dec. 10−12, RMIT, 8p.

[45]Bai Y., Wu S. Wu H. and Zhang K. (2012) Overview of RFID-Based Indoor Positioning Technology, 2nd Geospatial Science Research (GSR-2) Conference, RMIT University, Dec. 10−12, RMIT, 10p.

[46]Zhang, K., Wu, S., Sang, J., Carter, B.,Wang, C., and Norman, R. (2011) The Australian Space Research Program Project − Platform Technologies for Space Atmosphere and Climate. Proceedings of IGNSS Symposium 2011, Nov. 15−17, Sydney (#165).

[47]Zhang, S., Zhang, K., Wu, S., and Li, B. (2011) Network-based RTK Positioning Using Integrated GPS and GLONASS Observations. Proceedings of IGNSS Symposium 2011, Nov. 15−17, Sydney, Australia (#127).

[48]Li Y, Wu S, Norman R, Carter B and Zhang K (2011) Global Tropopause Derived from COSMIC for Climate Study, Proceedings of International GNSS Symposium 2011, Nov. 15−17, Sydney, Australia (#171).

[49]Wu, S., Zhang, K. and Silcock, D. (2010) Magnitudes and Temporal Variations of the Tropospheric and Ionospheric Errors in GPSnet. J of Global Positioning Systems, Vol. 9 No.1, pp61-67.

[50]Xu H, Zhang K, Zhu M and Wu S. (2010) A Low-cost Multiple Sensor Monitoring System for Wheelchair Sports. Proceeding of the 7th International Symposium on LBS & TeleCartography (LBS 2010), Guangzhou, China, Sept. 20−22.

[51]Xu H., Zhang K., Zhu M. and Wu S. (2010) A Low-cost Multiple Sensor Monitoring System for Wheelchair Sports. Proc of CPGPS2010 “Navigation and Location Services: Emerging Industry and International Exchanges”, Shanghai, China, pp.595-597. ISBN978-1-1935068-44-0, Scientific Research.

[52]Wang C, Liou Y, Zhang K, Yeh T and Wu S. (2009) Impact of Water Vapour Radiometer Measurements on the Determination of GPS Baseline Length and Height, Proceedings of International IGNSS Symposium, Qld, Australia, Dec. 1–3.

[53]Wu, S. (2009) Differences in Accuracies and Fitting Surface planes of Two Error Models for NRTK in GPSnet. Journal of Global Positioning Systems, Vol. 8 No.2, pp.154-163.

[54]Wu, S., Zhang, K. and Silcock, D. (2009) Performance Evaluations of Regional Error Models for NRTK in Victoria. The 22nd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, ION GNSS 2009. Savannah, Georgia, USA. Sept. 22–25. Awarded best student paper.

[55]Wu S., Zhang K. and Silcock D. (2009) Differences in Accuracies and Fitting Surface Planes of Two Error Models for NRTK in GPSnet, Journal of Global Positioning Systems, Vol.8, 2, pp154 – 163.

[56]Wu, S., Zhang, K. and Silcock, D. (2008) An Investigation of Performance Difference of Regional Atmospheric Models for Victoria Network RTK – A Case Study in Victoria. International Symposium on GPS/GNSS 2008. Tokyo, Japan. Nov. 11−14.

[57]Zhang, K.; Wu, S. and Wu, F. (2007) The Latest Development of a Network-based RTK System in Australia, International Journal of Science and Research, Vol. 2, 1, pp 87−94.

[58]Wu, S., Zhang, K., and Wu, F. (2007) Atmospheric Effect Modelling for Victorian Network RTK - A Preliminary Performance Assessment. Proceedings of IGNSS Symposium 2007, Dec. 4−6, Sydney, Australia.

[59]Zhang, K., Wu, F., and Wu, S. (2007) Towards Real-time High-precision State-wide GNSS Positioning through Developing Australian Regional Atmospheric Models. Proceedings of Spatial Science Coalition, May 14−18, Tasmania, Australia.

[60]Huo, X., Yuan, Y., Ou, J., Zhang, K., Wu, S., and Wu, F. (2007) Performance Analyses of Typical Ionospheric Models in Australia. Proceedings of IGNSS Symposium 2007, Dec. 4−6, Sydney, Australia.

[61]Wu S., Yuan Y., Zhang K. and Grenfell R. (2006) Temporal and spatial variations of the ionospheric TEC over Victoria for GPSnet-based real-time positioning, J of Global Positioning Systems, Vol.5, No.1-2, pp.52-57.

[62]Zhang, K., Wu, F., Wu, S., Rizos, C., Roberts, C., Ge, L., Yan, T., Gordini, C., Kealy, A., Hale, M., Ramm, P., Asmussen, H., Kinlyside, D. and Harcombe, P. (2006) Spare or Dense: Challenges of Australian Network RTK. Proceedings of IGNSS Conference 2006, Jul. 18−21, Queensland, Australia.

[63]Zhang K., Wu F. and Wu S. (2006). The Latest Development of a Network-based RTK System in Australia. Proc of the First Workshop between RMIT University and China University of Mining Technology, Nov 1-4, Xuzhou, China.

[64]Wu S., Yuan Y., Zhang K. and Grenfell R. (2005) Temporal and spatial variations of the ionospheric TEC over Victoria for GPSnet-based real-time positioning, Proc of GPS/GNSS 2005 Hong Kong, China.

[65]Ding, X, Wu, S. and Stewart, MP (1995) Planning GPS surveys for structure deformation monitoring, Annual Seminar, University of NSW, 6-7 Nov, Sydney.

[66]Wu S. and Liu J.N. (1993) Study on GPS Datum, Proceeding of Chinese National Geodetic Bi-annual Meeting, Dec., Chengdu.

[67]Yu Z.L.,Wu S. et al. (1993) The establishment of GPS control network and accuracy analysis in Xiamen city. J of Urban Surveying and Engineering Prospection, No.4.

[68]Tao B.Z. and Wu S. (1993) Analysis of Strain Using GPS Data, Science and technology of WTUSM, Vol.2.

[69]Wu S. (1992) The reliability strength analysis of GPS networks, Journal of Wuhan Technical University of Mapping and Surveying, Vol.17, No. 3.


Tracklet Correlation and Multi-target Tracking of Space Debris Initial Orbit Determination for Enhanced Catalogue Maintenance and Conjunction Analysis, Aus$36k (2016-19)

A new next generation GNSS Radio Occultation technique to monitor the atmosphere over the Australian and Antarctic regions, Australia's Antarctic Program (AAP) project (Project No. 4364 2015–18)

Research Programs 2 and 3 (RP2/3), The Australian Space Environment Management Corporative Research Centre (CRC-SEM) (~$20m, incl in-kind, 2016-2019)

Strengthening Severe Weather Prediction Using the Advanced Victorian Regional Global Navigation Satellite Systems (Natural Disaster Resilience Grant Scheme (NDRG) – Victoria ) ($590k, 2014–16)

The Australian Antarctic Scheme (AAS) project, GPS Radio Occultation for studying the Antarctic Atmosphere and Climate Analysis, (No:4159, $624,280, 2012-15).

Research Investment Capital Fund “ RMIT Telescope for Space Tracking and Management” ($90,000, RMIT University, 2016)

Platform Technologies for Space, Atmosphere and Climate, Australian Space Research Program (ASRC), Stream B – Space Innovation and Research Project ($8m, ASRP2, 2010–13)

Global Navigation Satellite System Continuously Operating Reference Stations Network and Its Synergized Disaster Monitoring and Warning Systems for Coal MiningThe International Science Linkage (ISL) Australia-China Special Fund (ACSF) for Scientific and Technological Cooperation, funded by the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research (DIISR). (CH080155, 2009–11)

The Australian Research Council, Satellite-Based Radio Occultation for Atmospheric Sounding, Weather Forecasting and Climate Monitoring in the Australian Region; ARC-LP0883288; $1.74m incl in-kind)2009-12

The ISL Australia-China Special Fund (ACSF) for Scientific and Technological Cooperation, Intelligent gas disaster early-warning, robust emergency response and rescue systems for coal mining based on geospatial information technologies, the Australian Department of Education, Science and Technology (DEST), Australia-China Special Fund (CH070130); $53,900 ($348k including in-kind)

The Australian Research Council, Innovative solutions to enhance space situational awareness, ARC- LP130100243 (total value $1,638,9662014-16)

The ISL Australia-America Fund, Assimilation of GPS Radio Occultation Data with Numerical Weather Prediction System for Climate Monitoring; DIISR ISL Competitive Grant (CG130127); ($886k incl in-kind, 2010-13).

The Australian Research Council; Precise Atmospheric Density Correction Model Using Space Tracking Data for Accurate Debris Surveillance and Collision Warning; ARC LP0669259; $400k incl in-kind)2007-2009

The Australian Research Council; Real-time atmospheric modelling for centimetre-level positioning based on GNSS continuously operating reference station networks; ARC-LP0455170; $1.36m incl in-kind); 2005-2008


Dr Brian Yuntian Bai (PhDcompleted 2016),

Dr Tobby Manningham (PhDcompleted 2014),

Dr Ying Li (PhDcompleted 2013),

Mr Congliang Liu (PhDcompleted 2013),

Dr Bobby Wong (PhDcompleted 2012),

Dr Ming Zhu (PhDcompleted 2011),

Dr Xiaoming Wang (PhDcompleted in 2017),

Dr Changyong He (PhDcompleted in 2019),

Dr Han Cai (PhDcompleted in 2019),

Dr Andong Hu (PhDcompleted in 2020),

Mr Diego Alejandro Pinon (MSccompleted 2016),

Mr Bin Hu (MSccompleted 2014)


2014: The Australian Innovation Challenge Award 2014 (team award, finalist)

2013: Excellence in Innovation for Australia (EIA) 2012 team award

2009: The best student paper award for ION GNSS 2009 (USA)

üPaper Title: Performance Evaluations of Regional Error Models for NRTK in Victoria

1994: The best application and research award at WTUSM

üProject Title: A GPS Test Network for Three Gorge Dam

1993: The best paper award of Hubei Province

üPaper Title: Analysis of Reliability Strength of GPS Networks, published on J. of WTUSM
