发布时间:2025-02-21   浏览次数:

l  基本信息










Email: gesijie@cumt.edu.cn



l  工作经历

  2025.1 至今        中国矿业大学,环境工程系,副教授

  2018.07 2024.12     中国矿业大学,环境工程系,讲师

  2018.09 2021.10     中国矿业大学,测绘科学与技术流动站,博士后

l  教育与学历













l  期刊论文

[1] Ge Sijie., Xu, Q., Zhao, J.S., Wang, S.J., Ho, T., Lun, X.X., Wang, Q. 2024. Comprehensive Study on Air-quality Impacts from Chemical Plant Flare Emissions under Planned or Emergency Shutdown Operations[J]. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 15(5), 102084.

[2] Ge Sijie., Yang, D.X., Lv, J., et al. 2024. Simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal and microbial community structure under autotrophic denitrification driven by complex sulfur substrate[J]. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress. 43(4): 2135-2143.

[3] Wu Z.C., Ge, Sijie., Han Y., et al., 2024. Effect of inorganic anions on quinoline removal by catalytic ozonation Performance and mechanism[J]. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 12: 113289.

[4] Zhang J., Dong B., Han Y., Zhan X.C., Ge Sijie., He S.L., 2023. Phenol Removal Performance and Mechanism Using Catalytic Ozonation with the Catalyst of Cobalt-doped α-MnO2[J]. Environmental Engineering Research, 28(3): 220156.

[5] Chen, F.L., Tian, L.J., Liu, B.K., Ge, Sijie., Sun,Y., 2022. Investigation on the Gaseous Benzene Removed by Photocatalysis Employing TiO2 Modified with Cobalt and Iodine as Photocatalyst under Visible Light[J]. Environmental Technology, 2022, 43(19): 2990-2999.JCR 2, IF=3.25

[6] Ge Sijie., Wang, S.J., Xu, Q., Ho, T., 2021. Effect of Dynamic Low DREs from Flare Combustion on Regional Ozone Pollution during A Chemical Plant Shutdown[J]. Atmospheric Environment. 254, 118399. JCR 1, IF=4.80

[7] Ge Sijie., Wang, S.J., Xu, Q., Ho, T., 2021. Source Apportionment Simulations of Ground-level Ozone in Southeast Texas Employing OSAT/APCA in CAMx[J]. Atmospheric Environment. 253, 118370. JCR 1, IF=4.80

[8] Ge Sijie., Xu, Y.L., Wang, S.J., Xu, Q., Ho, T., 2021. A Win-win Strategy for Simultaneous Air-Quality Benign and Profitable Emission Reduction During Chemical Plant Shutdown Operations[J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 147, 1185-1192. JCR 1, IF=6.16

[9] Ge Sijie., Wang, S.J., Xu, Q., Ho, T., 2020. Effect of Industrial Flare DREs Derived by CFD and WERF on Ozone Pollution through CAMx Simulation[J]. Atmospheric Environment. 238, 117723. JCR 1, IF=4.80

[10] Ge Sijie., Wang, S.J., Xu, Q., Ho, T., 2021. CAMx Simulations of the Control of Anthropogenic Emissions on the Reduction of Ozone Formation in Southeast Texas of USA[J]. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 12(7), 101114. JCR 2, IF=4.35

[11] Ge Sijie., Wang, S.J., Zhang, J., Xu, Q., Ho, T., 2021. Ozone Pollution Control Strategies Examined by Empirical Kinetics Modeling Approach over the Beaumont-Port Arthur Region in Texas of USA[J]. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 12, 403-413. JCR 2, IF=4.35

[12] Zhang, J., Dong, B., Ding, D., He, S.L., Ge, Sijie., 2021. Removal efficiency and mechanism of bio-treated coking wastewater by catalytic ozonation using MnO2 modified with anionic precursors[J]. Environmental Engineering Research, 26(5): 26-33. JCR 2, IF=3.1

[13] Ge Sijie., Wang, S.J., Xu, Q., Ho, T., 2020. Characterization and Sensitivity Analysis on Ozone Pollution over the Beaumont-Port Arthur Area in Texas of USA through Source Apportionment Technologies[J]. Atmospheric Research. 247, 105249. JCR 1, IF=5.37

[14] Tian, L.J., Xing, L., Shen, X.L., Li, Q.H., Ge, Sijie., Liu, B.K., 2020. Visible light enhanced Fe–I–TiO2 photocatalysts for the degradation of gaseous benzene[J]. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 11(1), 179-185. (JCR 2, IF=4.35)

[15] Wu, Z.H., Lei, S.G., Lu, Q.Q., Bian, Z.F., Ge, Sijie., 2020. Spatial distribution of the impact of surface mining on the landscape ecological health of semi-arid grasslands. Ecological Indicators, 111, 105996. JCR 1, IF= 4.96

[16] Ge Sijie., Zhang, J., Wang S.J., Xu, Q., Ho, T., 2019. New Insight of Ozone Pollution Impact from Flare Emissions of Chemical Plant Start-up Operations. Environmental Pollution. 245, 873-882. JCR 1, IF=8.03

[17] Ge Sijie., Wang, S.J., Xu, Q., Ho, T., 2018. Study on Regional Air Quality Impact from A Chemical Plant Emergency Event. Chemosphere. 201, 655-666. JCR 1, IF=6.87

[18] Ge Sijie., Wang, S.J., Xu, Q., Ho, T., 2018. Ozone Impact Minimization through Coordinated Scheduling of Turnaround Operations from Multiple Olefin Plants in An Ozone Nonattainment Area. Atmospheric Environment. 176, 47-53. JCR 1, IF=4.80

[19] Ge Sijie., Wang, S.J., Xu, Q., Ho, T., 2017. Impact of Chemical plant start-up emissions on ambient ozone concentration. Atmospheric Environment. 164, 20-30. JCR 1, IF=4.80

[20] Ge Sijie., Wang, S.J., Xu, Q., Ho, T., 2016. Air-Quality Considered Study for Multiple Olefin Plant Startups. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 55(36), 9698-9710. JCR 1, IF=3.72

[21] Ge Sijie., Feng, L., Zhang, L.Q., et al., 2017. Rejection Rate and Mechanisms of Drugs in Drinking Water by Nanofiltration Technology. Environmental Engineering Research. 22(3), 329-338. JCR 2, IF=3.1

[22] Ge Sijie, Wu, F., Zhang, L.Q., Feng, L. Effects of different factors on removal of trace naproxen from water by nanofiltration membrane separation. Membrane Science and Technology. 2013, 33(6): 92-96. In Chinese.

[23] Ge Sijie, Qu, D., Zhang, L.Q., Feng, L. Investigation on removal of five trace pharmaceuticals from pure water by RO, NF and MD. Membrane Science and Technology. 2013, 33(3): 75-80. In Chinese.

[24] Ge Sijie., Wang, S. J., Zhang, J., Xu, Q., T. C. Ho. Modeling and Simulation for Regional Ozone Impact by Flaring Destruction and Removal Efficiency of Oil & Gas Industries. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 2018, 44: 2185-2190.

[25] Yang D.X., Zhang C.Y., Ge, Sijie., Xie Y.Q., Yuan L.M., 2024. Performance of single PN/A reactor under wide fluctuation of nitrogen load. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 31 (47): 58083-58092.

[26] Song X.Y., He S.L., Li R.G., Mao Z., Ge Sijie., Bai X.Y., Ji C.N., 2024. Evaluation of metal pollution characteristics using water and moss in the Luanchuan molybdenum mining area, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 31 (4): 5384-5398.

[27] Zhang, J., Dong, B., Liu, J., Yang, W.X., Ge, Sijie., He, S.L., 2022. The Role of Mn Doping on Ce-Based γ-Al2O3 Catalysts for Phenol Degradation[J]. Environmental Engineering Science. 39(1): 56-63. JCR 3, IF=2.7

[28] Sun, Y., Tian, L.J., Liu, B.K., Chen, F.L., Ge, Sijie., 2022. Photocatalytic Destruction of Gaseous Benzene Using Mn/I-Doped TiO2 Nanoparticle Catalytic Under Visible Light[J]. Environmental Engineering Science. 39(3): 259-267.

[29] Zhang J., Wu Z.C., Dong B., Ge, Sijie., He S.L., 2024. Effective degradation of quinoline by catalytic ozonation with MnCexOy catalysts: performance and mechanism. Water Science & Technology. 89(3): 823-837.

l  主持/参与项目

1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,E100530万,主持,在研.

2. 科技部基地与人才专项课题. 2022XJKK1004. “天山北坡国家重大能源通道地质灾害与生态环境调查” 2022/10-2025/10,子课题负责人,在研.

3. 中国博士后面上一等资助12. 2019M650131. 烯烃化工厂火炬过程气态污染物排放特征及作用机制研究”2019.07-2021.06. 主持,已结题.

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目60. 51974314. “过硫酸盐联合微生态菌系原位修复多环芳烃污染土壤作用机理及调控” 2020.01-2023.12. 研究骨干,已结题.

5. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金6. 2020QN11.“乙烯装置生产过程VOCs排放规律与特征研究”2020.1-2021.12. 主持,已结题.

6. 中国矿业大学人才引进项15万,主持,在研.

7. 中国矿业大学青年教师启航计划培育项目6万,主持,已结题.

8. 美国德州环保署项目:区域空气质量模型与规划,参与,已结题.

9. 美国国家自然科学基金:化工过程与大气污染,参与,已结题.

10. 美国德州环保署项目:基于CAMx模型的东南德州地区臭氧污染控制研究,参与,已结题.

l  教学工作


l  国内外学术会议报告

12019/11/10-16 美国化学工程师协会年度会议,奥兰多,美国

口头报告:Study on Ozone Formation Characterization during the Flaring of Chemical Plant Shutdown for Proactive Flare Minimization and Air-quality Control

22019/3/31-2019/4/4 美国化学工程师协会春季会议,新奥尔良,美国

口头报告:Sensitivity Study of Atmospheric Wind Speed on Ozone Pollution Impacted by A Chemical Plant Shutdown

32018/11/2-11/4 中国大气环境科学与技术大会,青岛,中国


42018/04/22-26 美国化学工程师协会春季会议,奥兰多,美国

口头报告:Operating Flexibility and Controllability of CO2 Post-combustion Capture Process with Different Amines


口头报告:Regional Air quality impacted by Chemical Plant Emergency Shutdown

PosterA Win-Win Strategy for Chemical Plant Shutdown Integrating Environmental and Economic Objectives

分会场主席Section of Product and Molecular Design

62017/03/26-30 美国化学工程师协会春季会议,圣安东尼奥,美国

口头报告:Study on Regional Air-quality Impact from Olefin Plant Shutdown Operations


口头报告:The Study of Ozone Pollution Superposition Caused by Simultaneous Olefin Plant Start-up

口头报告:Air-quality Conscious Study for Multiple Olefin Plants' Turnaround Operations


口头报告:An Air-Quality Conscious Scheduling for Multiple Olefin Plant Start-ups

l  获奖

(1). 中国矿业大学2022-2023年度招生宣传优秀个人

(2). 中国矿业大学2021-2022年度促进就业先进个人

(3). 中国矿业大学2020-2021年度优秀班主任

(4). 指导本科生参加第三届大学生自然资源科技作品大赛,一等奖,2021.12.

(5). 2021年度高等教育科学研究成果奖,二等奖,江苏省高等教育学会,2022.09. R3

(6). AIChE 2017Annuel Meeting—化工环保领域最佳论文,一等奖

l  学术兼职

[1] 中国环境科学学会会员

[2] 美国化学工程师学会会员

[3] 教育部学位论文评阅人,Journal of Membrane Science, Atmospheric Environment; Environmental Pollution; Chemosphere; Atmospheric Research; Atmospheric Pollution Research; Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research; Catalysis Today等期刊审稿人。