l 基本信息
Email: nijiaqian@cumt.edu.cn, qiannjcumt@163.com
l 简介
钱妮佳,男,汉族,江苏连云港人。中共党员,工学博士,准聘副教授,硕士生导师。2018年6月获中国矿业大学测绘工程专业学士学位,2023年12月获中国矿业大学大地测量学与测量工程专业博士学位,期间获国家留学基金委资助,于荷兰代尔夫特理工大学联合培养1年。长期从事卫星重力测量、卫星导航定位数据处理理论与应用研究,在IEEE TVT、Measurement、GJI等SCI期刊发表论文20余篇(其中第一作者8篇、第二作者4篇),授权发明专利3项、软件著作权1项。主持江苏省自然科学基金青年基金、中国矿业大学人才引进项目等科研项目,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目、中国矿业大学智能化测绘重大科技专项等5项。获中国矿业大学优秀博士学位论文、国家奖学金等荣誉。担任JoG、IEEE TVT、RS等10余本期刊审稿人。主讲本科生课程《测量学》。
l 教育与学历
2021.11-2022.10 |
地球科学与遥感系 国家公派联合博士 |
代尔夫特理工大学 |
2018.09-2023.12 |
大地测量学与测量工程 博士(硕博连读) |
中国矿业大学 |
2014.09-2018.06 |
测绘工程 学士 |
中国矿业大学 |
l 工作经历
2023.12-至今 中国矿业大学环境与测绘学院 准聘副教授
l 期刊论文
[1] Nijia Qian, Guobin Chang*, Jingxiang Gao, Cheng Pan, et al. Vehicle's Instantaneous Velocity Reconstruction by Combining GNSS Doppler and Carrier Phase Measurements through Tikhonov Regularized Kernel Learning[J]. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2021, 70(5): 4190-4202.(SCI)
[2] Nijia Qian, Guobin Chang*, Jingxiang Gao. Smoothing for continuous dynamical state space models with sampled system coefficients based on sparse kernel learning[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2020, 100(4): 3597-3610(SCI)
[3] Nijia Qian, Guobin Chang*. (2021). Optimal filtering for state space model with time-integral measurements[J]. Measurement, 176: 109209.(SCI)
[4] Nijia Qian, Guobin Chang*, Pavel Ditmar, Jingxiang Gao, et al. Sparse DDK: A Data-Driven Decorrelation Filter for GRACE Level-2 Products[J]. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14(12): 2810.(SCI)
[5] Nijia Qian, Guobin Chang*, Jingxiang Gao, et al. Adaptive DDK filter for GRACE time-variable gravity field with a novel anisotropic filtering strength metric[J]. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14(13): 3114.(SCI)
[6] Nijia Qian, Jingxiang Gao*, Zengke Li, et al. GPS/BDS triple-frequency cycle slip detection and repair algorithm based on adaptive detection threshold and FNN-derived ionospheric delay compensation[J]. Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia, 2020, 17(2): 141-156.(SCI)
[7] Nijia Qian, Guobin Chang*, Jingxiang Gao. GNSS pseudo-range and time-differenced carrier phase measurements least-squares fusion algorithm and steady performance theoretical analysis[J]. Electronics Letters, 2020, 55(23): 1238-1241.(SCI)
[8] Nijia Qian, Jingxiang Gao, Zengke Li, Zhaojin Yan, Yong Feng, Zhengwen Yan, Liu Yang. Bridging the Terrestrial Water Storage Anomalies between the GRACE/GRACE-FO Gap Using BEAST + GMDH Algorithm [J]. Remote Sensing, 2024, 16(19): 3693.(SCI)
[9] 钱妮佳, 王海, 李方超*, 高井祥. 顾及卫星空间分布的GNSS信噪比随机模型[J]. 测绘科学, 2019, 44(12): 21-28+49.(中文核心)
[10] Guobin Chang*, Nijia Qian, Shaofeng Bian. Statistically optimal estimation of surface mass anomalies by directly using GRACE level-2 spherical harmonic coefficients as measurements[J]. Geophysical Journal International, 2023, 233(3): 1786-1799.(SCI)
[11] Guobin Chang*, Nijia Qian, Chao Chen, Jingxiang Gao. Precise instantaneous velocimetry and accelerometry with a stand-alone GNSS receiver based on sparse kernel learning[J]. Measurement, 2020, 159: 107803.(SCI)
[12] Xianggen Han, Nijia Qian*, Jingxiang Gao, Zengke Li, Yifan Hu, Liu Yang, Fangchao Li. An Enhanced Local Optimization Algorithm for GNSS Shadow Matching in Mobile Phones[J]. Remote Sensing, 2025, 17, 677. (SCI)
[13] Cheng Pan, Nijia Qian, Zengke Li, Jingxiang Gao*, et al. A Robust Adaptive Cubature Kalman Filter Based on SVD for Dual-Antenna GNSS/MIMU Tightly Coupled Integration[J]. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13(10): 1943.(SCI)
[14] 高井祥, 钱妮佳. (2017). RFID辅助INS/里程计的人员定位在数字矿山中的应用[J].现代测绘, 40(06): 1-5.
[15] 高井祥, 钱妮佳, 潘诚, 王永辉. 利用重力卫星数据反演江苏省陆地水与地下水储量变化[J]. 现代测绘, 2024, 47(03): 1-5.
[16] Liu Yang, Guobin Chang*, Nijia Qian, Jingxiang Gao. Improved atmospheric weighted mean temperature modeling using sparse kernel learning[J]. GPS Solutions, 2020, 25(1): 28.(SCI)
[17] 凤勇, 常国宾, 钱妮佳, 等. GRACE Level-2数据的RTS状态平滑[J]. 测绘学报, 2023, 52(11): 1858-1872.(EI)
[18] Haipeng Yu, Guobin Chang, Nijia Qian, Shubi Zhang*, et al. Downward continuation of airborne gravity data based on iterative methods[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica, 2021, 13(10): 1943.(SCI)
[19] Jinwei Bu, Kegen Yu*, Nijia Qian, Xiaoqing Zuo, et al. Performance Assessment of Positioning Based on Multi-Frequency Multi-GNSS Observations: Signal Quality, PPP and Baseline Solution[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 9: 5845-5861.(SCI)
[20] Jinwei Bu, Kegen Yu*, Shuai Han, Nijia Qian, et al. Retrieval of Sea Surface Rainfall Intensity Using Spaceborne GNSS-R Data[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022, 60: 5803116.(SCI)
[21] Cheng Pan, Jingxiang Gao*, Zengke Li, Nijia Qian, et al. Multiple Fading Factors-Based Strong Tracking Variational Bayesian Adaptive Kalman Filter[J]. Measurement, 2021, 69(176): 109139.(SCI)
[22] Jinwei Bu, Kegen Yu*, Yongchao Zhu, Nijia Qian, et al. Developing and Testing Models for Sea Surface Wind Speed Estimation with GNSS-R Delay Doppler Maps and Delay Waveforms[J]. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12(22): 3760.(SCI)
[23] Haipeng Yu, Guobin Chang*, Shubi Zhang, Nijia Qian. Sparsifying spherical radial basis functions based regional gravity models[J]. Journal of Spatial Science, 2020, 70, 2163-2177.(SCI)
[24] Fangchao Li, Jingxiang Gao*, Zengke Li, Nijia Qian, et al. A step cycle slip detection and repair based on double-constraint of ephemeris and smoothing pseudo-range[J]. Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia, 2020, 16(4): 337-348.(SCI)
[25] Zhengwen Yan, Yi Luan, Jiangjun Ran, C.K. Shum, Zhipeng Zeng, Nijia Qian, et al. Optimal Design of a Third Pair of Gravity Satellites to Augment Two Existing Polar Pairs to Enhance Earth's Temporal Gravity Field Recovery[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2024, (99):1-21.(SCI)
[26] Yong Feng, Yajie Yu, Shubi Zhang, Guobin Chang, Yu Cao, Nijia Qian, Yueyang Huan. Suppressing stripe noise in GRACE/GFO level-2 products with dual low-pass filtering[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica, 2024.(SCI)
l 授权发明专利
[1] 常国宾,钱妮佳,张来宏,张书毕. 自适应运动学模型辅助的GNSS载波相位与多普勒融合测速方法. 专利号:ZL201911257378.9. 申请日:2019-12-10,授权公告日:2022-05-13.
[2] 常国宾,钱妮佳,陈超,张书毕. 一种基于稀疏核学习的单站GNSS瞬时速度和加速度构建方法. 专利号: ZL201910874925.1.申请日:2019-09-17,授权公告日:2022-11-29.
[3] 常国宾,于海鹏,钱妮佳,张书毕. 一种稀疏球面径向基函数局部重力场建模方法. 专利号:ZL201910813438.4. 申请日:2019-08-30,授权公告日:2021-11-02.
l 项目
[1] 多源卫星、地面观测信息联合监测江苏省水储量动态变化的关键技术研究,江苏省基础研究自然科学基金-青年基金(BK20241665),20万,2024-07至2027-06,在研,主持.
[2] 时变重力数据处理与应用,中国矿业大学人才引进项目,20万,2024-04至2027-03,在研,主持.
[3] 全球重力场的稀疏建模方法与应用研究,江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划项目(KYCX21_2292),1.5万,2021.01至2021.12,已结题,主持.
[4] 稀疏正则化平差方法及应用研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(42074001),59万,2022.01至2025.12,在研,参与.
[5] 多源大数据融合的土地利用/覆被遥感制图及变化特征研究,中央高校基本科研业务费项目-重大科技项目专项(2024ZDPYCH1003),25万,2024-06至2027-05,在研,参与.
[6] 面向大范围矿区的BDS非差非组合精密单点定位模型研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(41674008),65万,2017.01至2020.12,结题,参与.
[7] 面向西部矿区无缝定位的数据融合自适应函数模型研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(41974026),64万,2020.01至2023.12,结题,参与.
l 指导研究生
l 获奖
2024 中国矿业大学优秀博士学位论文
2023 中国矿业大学第十七届“青春矿大”校园年度人物
2021 博士研究生国家奖学金
2021 孙越崎优秀学生奖
2020 博士研究生国家奖学金
2020 全国博士生学术论坛(测绘科学与技术)口头报告优秀奖
2019 全国博士生学术论坛(测绘科学与技术)报告组优秀奖
l 学术兼职
担任IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology、Journal of Geodesy、Geo-spatial Information Science、IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing、Remote Sensing等10余本国际期刊审稿人。